Thursday, July 29, 2010


In fact, lack of education is the root cause of health problem. Education is a process which brings awareness, transfers information and brings positive changes in the attitude and practices of the people. Most of the health problems in Nepal are arising due to lack of proper education. Education can play a significant role in modifying people's behavior and encouraging them to adopt sound health practices. Therefore, there should be provision of health education in massive scale all over the country.


Education is today considered as a fundamental right of all children. It is an important tool with the help of which the quality of life can be improved. Proper education helps in improving food-production, settlements, health, social life and all other spheres of life. To meet the demand of the increasing population, more and more schools are required. More desks and benches, playgrounds and teachers are required. Since these are not being able to be increased to the level required, many problems are coming up. Classrooms are becoming over-crowded. Teachers are becoming over-loaded and too many students are sharing limited resources. Thus, the quality of education is going down. In addition, as a result of over-crowded classrooms, many children are not being able to get admissions into schools. Thus, they are being denied their fundamental right to education.


Quality education produces best graduates. People get proper knowledge, skill and attitude for being a good family member and then become good citizens. A family should make every effort to provide quality education to its children so that the children will have better future. They will be able to compete in income generating activities and employment opportunities. When the young adults will be able to earn by engaging in themselves in any income generating activities, they will be able to contribute towards raising the quality of life of the family. So, quality education is one of the important aspects of acquiring quality of life of the family.


One of the basic needs of the family is to keep all the family members healthy. The basic health care is possible through making all the members of the family aware of the basics of health education. A little attention on the matters related to sanitary and hygienic condition of the house and its surroundings eating fresh and balanced food and not necessarily expensive ones, and drinking fresh water could reduce majority of health hazards. Health hazards in the family occur due to the lack of awareness, so health status of the family depends on the level of health knowledge and levels of utilization of health facilities and services available.Health education also relates to the size of the family. It is understandable that a larger or a crowded family has adverse effects on the health of family members, especially pregnant and lactating mothers and children. The most affected would be children in their intellectual, physical and personality development. So, health education, as one of the basic needs, plays an important role in the welfare of the family.


Education is the process of bringing changes in human behavior. There are various aspects of education like general education, environment education, population education, reproductive health education, etc. Education is a powerful tool which indirectly helps in population management. Through education people learn about the link between population and environment. They also understand the danger of population increase. Education also makes people aware of the advantages of population management. It also makes the people aware of the different methods of population management. Thus, education helps in bringing about a change in the behavior of people and making them more responsible towards population management


All the living beings in this world live in groups. Each such group is loosely called population. Each population performs its activities differently and interacts with the non-living world in its own way. Some people think that population education is only the study of population related issues. On the other hand, some others consider population education as getting information about a population situation, various issues affecting it and ways of managing the issues. However, in reality an education cannot be limited to getting information and studying issues. Education should in a broader manner with process of bringing changes in human behavior. Therefore, population education can be defined as a process of developing awareness and understanding of population situation amongst people and making them more responsible towards managing population. Population education makes the people aware of population related issues. It also brings about changes in their behavior. By doing so, it makes the people more responsible towards solving population related problems. Thus, there is an improvement in the quality of their lives. The ultimate aim of population education is to create a happy family life. To do so, it has to influence the overall behavior of people towards population problems as well as to teach them ways to manage their day-to-day problems.


Environment education is simply known as the education which is related to the environment or which deals about environment. Environment education is defined in many ways. Some define it as getting information about the environmental problems and their management, whereas some consider that keeping a clean environment is environment education. But these are very narrow definitions. Environment education covers a border area. Thus, environment education can be defined as an educational process of recognizing values, clarifying concepts and making people use the resources found in the environment properly.
It teaches us to bring favorable changes in our knowledge, attitude and behavior towards the environment. It focuses on the individual. Unless the individual's behavior is changed, this education has no meaning.


In the past, education was given orally. The father of the family taught his son about his occupation and the rules of the community. Some functions were performed according to religion. Then came 'Gurukul system of education'. This education was limited to the Brahmins and Chhetries only. The Brahmins studied Vedas, Upanishads, Jyotish (astronomy) and science of rituals (Karmakanda). The Chhetris learned how to conduct administration and art of warfare. This education was given to the 'ashram' of 'rishi' and 'muni'. Those who helped the king in administration also received education. Buddhist monks also imparted education based on their religion. This education was imparted at the 'gumba' and 'vihar'. This type of education was prevailed in Nepal up to the Malla period too. Some Malla kings such as Pratap Malla were very learned. They wrote books in Sanskrit, Newari and Maithili.
Modern education in Nepal was introduced by Prime Minister Jung Bahadur Rana. He brought two English teachers from Europe and established an English school at Thapathali Palace in 1910 B.S. it was meant only for his children. Later on this school was shifted on Ranipokhari. This school was named as Durbar School. Now it is called Bhanu Madhyamik Vidyalaya. Balguru Khadananda, too, founded a Sanskrit School at Dingla at Bhojpur in 1932 B.S. When Bir Shumsher became Prime Minister of Nepal, he permitted general people to receive education at Durbar School. Prime Minister Dev Shumsher made great contributions to education in Nepal. In 1958 B.S., he founded more than 100 language schools in different parts of the country. Jay Prithvi Bahadur Singh's contribution to educational development was remarkable. He wrote a book called 'Aksharanka Shiksha' for the students of language schools.
Prime Minister Chandra Shumsher set up Tri-chandra College in Kathmandu in 1975 B.S. It was the first college in Nepal. Prime Ministers Juddha Shumsher and Padma Shumsher also made remarkable contributions in the field of education. Basic schools were set up and women education was started. In 1990 B.S., the SLC Board was established in Nepal. People were allowed to establish schools. What the Rana prime ministers did for education was remarkable although it was highly controlled by them. Before 2007 B.S., only 2 per cent of the population of the country was literate.
With the advent of democracy in 2007 B.S., an educational wave swept all over the country. Many schools were set up by the government and the public. In 2016 B.S., Tribhuvan University was established. Schools and colleges were founded at random. Education imparted was not suitable for the country. Attempts were made to improve the prevailing education, but not much progress could be made. In 2028 B.S., National Education System Plan was implemented. It introduced vocational education to provide manpower for the development of the country. Many reforms were introduced in education. New curriculum was introduced.
Late King Birendra declared the primary education free in 2041 B.S. In 2041 B.S., he announced the distribution of textbooks free of cost. In 2038 B.S., the curriculum was changed and new programmes were initiated. After 2049, steps were taken towards the development of higher education. Kathmandu University, Purbanchal University, Pokhara University, Mahendra Sanskrit University (now Nepal Sanskrit University) were set up. By 2058 B.S., literacy rate reached 53.74 per cent. However, it is quiet lower than the literacy rate in developed countries.


Quality education produces best graduates. People get proper knowledge, skill and attitude for being a good family member, and then become goo d citizens.
A family should make every effort to provide quality education to its children so that the children will have better future .They will be able to compete in income generating activities and employment opportunities. When the young adults will be able to earn by engaging themselves in any income generating activities, they will be able to contribute towards raising the quality of life of the family. So, quality education is one of the important aspects of acquiring quality of life of the family.
Besides, basic needs like food, cloth, shelter, education have also become the primary need of the family. In a family with quality living, the family members will be given opportunity to get quality education from good institution. The quality education makes the quality graduates who in turn will be good citizens, and they will later work for the betterment of the family and also for the development of the country.


From the ancient period, teaching and learning process has been continued in course of gaining knowledge. In a human's life, learning process is essential to be meditative. But it's not genuine that only bookish knowledge is adequate for oneself. Knowledge has its wide scope and knowledge gaining process takes place throughout life through various extents. In compressive sense, the best source of knowledge is family and parents. As soon as a child is born and opens his eyes, he finds himself amidst his parents and family. He learns the movements of hid body and facial expression from his parents. Later he learns to walk and speak and in course of time, he learns the manners and good conviction.
'Home is the first school for children' is a much admitted saying. Parents are the lifelong friends and teachers who are experienced and thus can teach the children good habits and all the necessary things for their all round intensification. Thus, parents are the source of inspiration and socialization. Moving towards the outer environment, there are various factors for gaining knowledge outer than school books such as extracurricular activities, trainings and vocational education. A learning person learns a lot from the practical training and co-curricular activities than from the theoretical subjects.
A good circle of friends plays a significant role in process of acquiring knowledge. It is found that teenagers are very well influenced by their friends. Thus a warm peer group can help to gain knowledge sharing their ideas and experience. An ideal teacher is one of the most important sources of knowledge in our life from whom we can learn a lot. Travelling to various places implies getting knowledge about various places, the people and their customs. Media is equally important in the field of getting information. Media like TV, Radio, Newspaper, Magazines, and Internet enable people to get connected with the world wide ambience.
TV and magazines give us a lot of useful information on various subjects as well as the current news. At present, Internet has become the most essential tool to provide knowledge for students. This is because Internet is the source of information and knowledge from all over the world. Sitting in a room, we can be well known about different places of the world and things going on there.
"Experience is the best teacher" is a very popular saying that implies that we can acquire much more knowledge from our own experience than any other course books. Experience and practice help the life go on. Talking about the experience, it can be good and bad, a successful or a failure but these are the pros and cons of our life, which help us to learn.
For the learners like us, a reliable discussion with our friends, teachers and parents is also very useful to fill our empty minds with wisdom. A very different from other fields, experiments also makes us able to know things. The experiments and observation of our surroundings take us to their depth to understand them. The nature, which is the mother of all sources, is again a wellspring of wisdom. The flora and fauna, sky, rivers, stream, fresh air, clouds, etc. always remain avid to teach us some lessons in our life.
To conclude I want to say that apart from the course books of our schools and colleges, there is a wide range of fields to widen our vision and broaden our mind. We should not only remain a book worm hooked into the bulky pages of the books but should be motivated towards these areas in order to be a knowledgeable person and have an all round developed personality.
Education is one of the most important components which make people aware of everything. A person
will be able to decide "what is good for him or her?" through education. Knowledge and skill with attitude help a person become successful. She/he may be able to provide quality life to family members.
An educated person will be able to get a good employment with better income and thus the family members will be benefited with all the needs for the attainment of quality life. Besides, a well aware person will have better knowledge of using all the resources and facilities properly, adequately and timely for the welfare of the family.


Education is the process of getting knowledge from the teacher or from the elders who is experienced about something. It is regarded as one of the greatest qualities and virtues of man. It raises the man above animals. It is rightly said that a man without education is an animal without tail. The most important resource of any country is its citizens. But they must be well educated, trained, and motivated to carry out various works. It is vital for human beings. It promotes awareness and awareness contributes to all round development. Education teaches skills and good behavior. It makes us able to lead a quality