From the ancient period, teaching and learning process has been continued in course of gaining knowledge. In a human's life, learning process is essential to be meditative. But it's not genuine that only bookish knowledge is adequate for oneself. Knowledge has its wide scope and knowledge gaining process takes place throughout life through various extents. In compressive sense, the best source of knowledge is family and parents. As soon as a child is born and opens his eyes, he finds himself amidst his parents and family. He learns the movements of hid body and facial expression from his parents. Later he learns to walk and speak and in course of time, he learns the manners and good conviction.
'Home is the first school for children' is a much admitted saying. Parents are the lifelong friends and teachers who are experienced and thus can teach the children good habits and all the necessary things for their all round intensification. Thus, parents are the source of inspiration and socialization. Moving towards the outer environment, there are various factors for gaining knowledge outer than school books such as extracurricular activities, trainings and vocational education. A learning person learns a lot from the practical training and co-curricular activities than from the theoretical subjects.
A good circle of friends plays a significant role in process of acquiring knowledge. It is found that teenagers are very well influenced by their friends. Thus a warm peer group can help to gain knowledge sharing their ideas and experience. An ideal teacher is one of the most important sources of knowledge in our life from whom we can learn a lot. Travelling to various places implies getting knowledge about various places, the people and their customs. Media is equally important in the field of getting information. Media like TV, Radio, Newspaper, Magazines, and Internet enable people to get connected with the world wide ambience.
TV and magazines give us a lot of useful information on various subjects as well as the current news. At present, Internet has become the most essential tool to provide knowledge for students. This is because Internet is the source of information and knowledge from all over the world. Sitting in a room, we can be well known about different places of the world and things going on there.
"Experience is the best teacher" is a very popular saying that implies that we can acquire much more knowledge from our own experience than any other course books. Experience and practice help the life go on. Talking about the experience, it can be good and bad, a successful or a failure but these are the pros and cons of our life, which help us to learn.
For the learners like us, a reliable discussion with our friends, teachers and parents is also very useful to fill our empty minds with wisdom. A very different from other fields, experiments also makes us able to know things. The experiments and observation of our surroundings take us to their depth to understand them. The nature, which is the mother of all sources, is again a wellspring of wisdom. The flora and fauna, sky, rivers, stream, fresh air, clouds, etc. always remain avid to teach us some lessons in our life.
To conclude I want to say that apart from the course books of our schools and colleges, there is a wide range of fields to widen our vision and broaden our mind. We should not only remain a book worm hooked into the bulky pages of the books but should be motivated towards these areas in order to be a knowledgeable person and have an all round developed personality.
Education is one of the most important components which make people aware of everything. A person
will be able to decide "what is good for him or her?" through education. Knowledge and skill with attitude help a person become successful. She/he may be able to provide quality life to family members.
An educated person will be able to get a good employment with better income and thus the family members will be benefited with all the needs for the attainment of quality life. Besides, a well aware person will have better knowledge of using all the resources and facilities properly, adequately and timely for the welfare of the family.